Unlock Your Pathway to Success in Music Profession

Do you have thought about:
👉🏼Switching career path❓
👉🏼Financial security in music career❓
👉🏼Debate between parents about further music studies❓
👉🏼Making your music dream come true❓
👉🏼Doing what you love to do❓
Embarking on a career in music can be both elusive and thrilling. Sometimes we wonder if taking this step to pursue music is the right decision.
Join us as we delve into the music world with Mr Tay Cher Siang, a prominent figure as a Jazz Pianist, Composer, Arranger, Music Director, and Educationist with 20+ years of experience. Tay will share his personal story of being a professional musician, and shed light on various important aspects such as music education, publishing, arranging, music production and entrepreneurship.
Enjoy a 20% DISCOUNT on meals and beverages at Tzuka Cafe on the same day by showing your purchased ticket.
Terms and Conditions for Ticket Purchasing:
- The Student Tickets are exclusively available to students who can provide a valid and current student identification card or documentation upon entry to the event or venue.
- The event organizer or venue management reserves the right to verify the authenticity of the student ID and refuse admission if any suspicion of fraud or misuse arises.
By purchasing a student ticket, you acknowledge and agree to abide by these terms and conditions. Failure to comply may result in being charged the standard ticket price or denied entry to the event or venue.
这次让我们和泽相老师共同探讨音乐事业,他不单是一位备受瞩目的爵士钢琴家、作曲家、编曲家、音乐总监和教育家; 更是著名品牌Roland, Kawai 马来西亚代言人,总是第一手试用这两大品牌的新产品。
泽相老师更被邀请在TEDx演讲、并在“摘金奇缘” Crazy Rich Asian 电影中担任自己代表性的角色“音乐家”、音乐事业上更赢得多个奖项、制作了28张专辑至今、还有世界各地著名爵士音乐节上代表马来西亚演出以及与许多知名艺术家合作的经历。
- 学生票折扣仅适用于进入场地时能提供有效且当前的学生身份证明或文件的学生。
- 活动主办方或场馆管理有权验证学生身份证明的真实性,如果有任何欺诈或滥用的嫌疑,有权拒绝入场。